san francisco

Around the Apartment by Jeremy Castillo

I was bored this Saturday afternoon, but wasn't feeling well enough to go on a full walk, so I decided to take a few images around my apartment complex.

Sitting on the Dock of the Bay by Jeremy Castillo

I processed this picture in VSCO and I love the results. It reminds me of the days when I was a photo student in the darkroom, throwing contrast filters into the enlarger, and burning and dodging the heck out of my prints.

Canon EOS 5D Mark II Zeiss Planar t* 1.4/50 ZE

Focal Length: 50mm 
Aperature: f/1.8
Shutter: 1/30th
ISO: 2500

Golden Gate Bridge at Night by Jeremy Castillo

I don't take many long exposures, but when I was invited to go crabbing for the first time, I decided this would be a good time to try this out. My favorite thing about this picture are the star streaks in the night sky.

Canon EOS 5D Mark II EF35mm f/1.4L

Focal Length: 35mm 
Aperature: f/22
Shutter: 1920sec = 32minutes
ISO: 100


Civic Center, San Francisco by Jeremy Castillo

I took this just a block from my apartment in San Francisco. City Hall changes it’s lights depending on what’s going, i.e. Giants Championship, Warriors making the play-offs, another time to show support for the victims of the typhoon that hit the Philippines. I don't know what these colors represented, but I loved the tones.

Canon EOS 5D Mark II Zeiss Planar t* 1.4/50 ZE

Focal Length: 50mm 
Aperature: f/2.0
Shutter: 1/125th
ISO: 1600