
Around the Apartment by Jeremy Castillo

I was bored this Saturday afternoon, but wasn't feeling well enough to go on a full walk, so I decided to take a few images around my apartment complex.

Cab Fare, Washington D.C. by Jeremy Castillo

One night, when I was working in Washington D.C., I asked my cab driver to take me where tourist don't usually go. He took me to the Kennedy Center to show me all the "freaky" sculptures outside the center. It was pretty "freaky". Go see for yourself.

Canon EOS 5D Mark II Zeiss Planar t* 1.4/50 ZE

Focal Length: 50mm 
Aperature: f/1.4
Shutter: 1/60
ISO: 1600

Sitting on the Dock of the Bay by Jeremy Castillo

I processed this picture in VSCO and I love the results. It reminds me of the days when I was a photo student in the darkroom, throwing contrast filters into the enlarger, and burning and dodging the heck out of my prints.

Canon EOS 5D Mark II Zeiss Planar t* 1.4/50 ZE

Focal Length: 50mm 
Aperature: f/1.8
Shutter: 1/30th
ISO: 2500

Woman at Keith Haring Exhibit by Jeremy Castillo

As I was walking through the exhibit, I noticed this woman standing at the bottom of the triangle. There was a couple to her left, but I photoshopped them out to make the image more about her experience. To add to this idea, I shot at f/2.0 to make Keith's artwork fall out of focus. Keith's work is iconic, and I feel it is recognizable even out of focus.

Canon EOS 5D Mark II Zeiss Planar t* 1.4/50 ZE

Focal Length: 50mm 
Aperature: f/2.0
Shutter: 1/100th
ISO: 1000

Street Hoops by Jeremy Castillo

I got to play some ball today, and I took a second to take this picture.

My main concern was to freeze the ball. To do this, I had to up the shutter to 1/400th, which I thought would be a lot less, somewhere around 1/200th. I did not want the image to be too noisy, so I had to balance the aperture and ISO. I chose to shoot at f1.4. For me shooting at f1.4 wasn't much of a problem because the elements in the image were pretty much playing on the same plane. I knew that from where I was standing the top of the backboard, and the net would both be in focus. Lastly was the ISO. Even though the ISO is at 2500, I knew I could mask the noise in post by turning the noise into grain.

Canon EOS 5D Mark II Zeiss Planar t* 1.4/50 ZE

Focal Length: 50mm 
Aperature: f/1.4
Shutter: 1/400th
ISO: 2500